Saturday, June 26, 2010


Now that I am working I have been slacking like crazy on the blog :(

I really like my job, but it stinks that I have no social life here. My life is just Sadie, Eric and work. I need to get out and meet people, but it is so hard. The thing is, though, that I don't even notice that I have no friends when Eric and Sadie are around because they take up a lot of my time and I am super tired at the end of the day.

Eric is at a motorcycle rendezvous with his brother and father and Sadie is hanging with my parents because I had to work yesterday and today. Luckily, Eric and Sadie both get back tomorrow, but as for tonight... well, I don't know.

It's times like these that I realize how lonely it can be living in a new city.

On the other hand, my work is amazing. I love helping people so I am in the right place. Here in Portland there is a major homelessness problem especially right now and there is some overcrowding. Due to this my work is taking over Refugee Services to have an extra place for people to sleep. This means more staff is needed too. I have volunteered to work some overnights so that should be a good experience (and some extra money, yay!).

I am also pretty gung ho about this master's program offered through University of New England, so even though it sucks to be lonely I sure am keeping myself busy.

1 comment:

  1. Always saddens me to see a friend whom decided I was not good enough for her.
