Saturday, June 26, 2010


Now that I am working I have been slacking like crazy on the blog :(

I really like my job, but it stinks that I have no social life here. My life is just Sadie, Eric and work. I need to get out and meet people, but it is so hard. The thing is, though, that I don't even notice that I have no friends when Eric and Sadie are around because they take up a lot of my time and I am super tired at the end of the day.

Eric is at a motorcycle rendezvous with his brother and father and Sadie is hanging with my parents because I had to work yesterday and today. Luckily, Eric and Sadie both get back tomorrow, but as for tonight... well, I don't know.

It's times like these that I realize how lonely it can be living in a new city.

On the other hand, my work is amazing. I love helping people so I am in the right place. Here in Portland there is a major homelessness problem especially right now and there is some overcrowding. Due to this my work is taking over Refugee Services to have an extra place for people to sleep. This means more staff is needed too. I have volunteered to work some overnights so that should be a good experience (and some extra money, yay!).

I am also pretty gung ho about this master's program offered through University of New England, so even though it sucks to be lonely I sure am keeping myself busy.

Thursday, June 10, 2010


Yesterday as I was going out to do my morning bike path bicycle ride I met a crazy automobile driver.

I was at the intersection of Marginal Way and Franklin Arterial in the middle lane that is designated as the "bike lane." It is a little awkward since it is in the middle of the road, but I was just doing what the bike rules told me to do. Anyway, this gas consumer is swerving behind me and then rolls up next to me yelling at me through her closed window. I motioned that I could not hear her so she rolled down her window and proceeded to scream and yell at me about not being in the middle of the road.. blah, blah, blah.

I informed her and showed her how I was in a bike lane and was just waiting for the red light to change. I was not in her way at all as she was taking a right turn, but she was still pissed.

She told me I was a fucking bitch and all kinds of other choice words. I told her to stop being ignorant and open her eyes and then told her just to be on her way. She burnt out and sped off down Franklin Arterial towards the Old Port.

As I was riding I was thinking about my blog. I was thinking how cool it would have been to write a cyclist beware post and put a photo of her license plate on the blog. I wish I had snapped a photo because this woman was so rude. Of course, this was in hindsight and I had not thought at the time of all this yelling to take out my camera phone and snap a photo.

Oh well.

If anyone sees a slightly overweight lady driving a nice new dark blue Nissan with a University of Maine sticker on the back windshield tell her to stop consuming oil and get a bicycle.

For now, I am trying to limit my driving to as little as absolutely necessary and have been biking everywhere even though it is raining like crazy and currently I am soaked.

Enjoy your day!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


The world lost a great woman yesterday. She was a great artist, a great aunt (and great-aunt), and all around an amazing friend.

Eric's aunt, Beverly Perkins, passed away last night from cancer complications. She was always buying the most interesting (and sometimes different) gifts from wherever she may find them and always had a knack for good drawing.

She was in a lot of pain, so it gives me some relief just knowing that she is no longer suffering. Eric made a good point this morning questioning what there is after life.

When someone fairly young passes away this question definitely comes into my head as well, but all I can do it hope that Bevy is somewhere peaceful and lovely and somewhere where she can be inspired to create art. Being sick she had lost her inspiration, so my one true hope is that she has found that again wherever that may be.

While Bevy was not my aunt by blood. I shared many stories and laughs with her and over the past few years have become very close to her. She might as well have been an aunt to me and she was definitely a friend...

We never got to say a proper goodbye to Bevy even though she was so close (in distance) to us now, but I know that she knows we loved her and cared about her until her final minutes and beyond.

Closure is a very difficult thing when realizing someone is gone forever and I hope the entire family and extended family find peace and closure with Bevy's death.

I know that just thinking about her and thinking of all the good times will certainly help.

We love you Bevy!

Rest In Peace Beverly Perkins

Sunday, June 6, 2010


The other day Eric told me I was a true Mainer at heart. I definitely took this as a compliment, while I am not entirely sure it was intended that way.

I like yard sales and getting crazy good deals either off craig's list, freecycle, Marden's, thrift stores, or YARD SALES...

'Tis the season of the beginning of yard sales every weekend.

What can I say, I love me a good bargain!

Today I went down to NH to go to my sister's boyfriend's yard sale and got so much good stuff (thanks Jenn, Anthony, and Ann). I got an awesome picture which is now hanging over my "home office" area. I also got an office kit for both Eric to work on his new business and for myself and my entrepreneur-self. I got some kitchen gear, toys for Sadie, spray paint, cleaning supplies, and some clothes/ shoes for Eric. I have to say I made out really well (I absolutely hate when people use the phrase "made out," in the context I just did, but I had to and that is my MASSHOLE side showing through).

It seems that I may be a Mainer in some of my characteristics, but in others I am not (yet!).

Friday, June 4, 2010


I had an orientation today at work. I am definitely just excited to start already. I have my goofy badge and know where some stuff is located, so let's go already!!!

I know, I know, I am so damn impatient.

For the rest of the day I plan to go stop by Florence House, the new women's shelter that is part of my current employer. It is right down the road and today there are speeches and tours and all that hooplah celebrating the opening. Then there is the first Friday artwalk and then Eric's cousin Jesse will be up to go out on the town with Eric.

First shift tomorrow at noon!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

6.1.10 cont'd

I got a job!!!!

Peak's Island


I was really hoping to have a job by now, but I still have not heard. I can't complain too much as I declined two job offers because they were not exactly what I wanted, but now waiting to hear from a job that I actually want is so so so hard.

Yesterday we went to Peak's Island by ferry. Sadie had never been on a boat before so it was epic! Sadie loved the boat ride and all the "doggies" we saw both on the boat and at Peak's Island.

We first found a "sandy beach" and had lunch there and then Eric and Sadie got ice cream and then we walked the whole island. I did not think we were going to make it. I was exhausted and since Eric had been fasting the past two days (for no apparent reason), I thought he was going to pass out. We made it, though and have plans to go back to explore the old military stuff they have on the island. One thing is called "Battery Steele" or maybe that is the whole military preservation structure. I am not sure to be honest.

I definitely want to go back for the "Sacred and Profane" art walk. I keep getting confused about what it is exactly, but I guess artists set up their art in the caves and you walk around in the dark looking for art. If someone has a better explanation let me know.

So for today Sadie and I are going to go to playgroup, then maybe the library and hopefully I will hear about this job. Keep your fingers crossed!